samedi 22 décembre 2012
Happy New Year 2013

vendredi 30 novembre 2012
Italian memories 2
En compagnie de Gina Lollobrigida à Rome en 1965.

samedi 27 octobre 2012
La cento chilometri (1959)

La cento chilometri (1959) fr.
Trois hommes décident de gagner une course à pied autour de Rome.
César, jeune charpentier sans le sou, ambitionne de dépasser les cent kilomètres.
L'avocat Corsetti a été inscrit à la suite d'un pari perdu. Le troisième est un ancien champion
qui ne veut pas décevoir son fils.

mercredi 1 août 2012
I wish you happy holidays
I'm taking my summer leave. I wish you all, boys and girls, happy holidays.
We'll meet again soon. Thank you for your warm comments and a special thought to Lucio for such a kind email.
Je prends mes quartiers d'été. Je vous souhaite à toutes et tous de bonnes vacances. Nous nous retrouverons à la rentrée. Merci pour vos chaleureux commentaires. Une pensée affectueuse à Lucio pour son mail si gentil.

mardi 19 juin 2012
Our Disappearing Planet in Solihull
In England, I recently participated to a convention for the eighteenth time. To be precise, it happened in Solihull, a pretty flowery town near Birmingham.
Our Disappearing planet à Solihull
Plus précisément à Solihull, une jolie petite ville fleurie proche de Birmingham.
L'organisateur "Our Disappearing Planet" soulève des fonds à travers l'évènementiel pour financer diverses actions de protection de la nature. Une belle cause à laquelle j'étais fière de participer.
J'adore les animaux. Mon fidèle compagnon est un petit Yorkshire.
La convention s'est déroulée sur deux jours. Il est venu à peu près 10 000 personnes.
J'ai retrouvé une foule de fans dont certains me suivent depuis les " Bray studios days" organisés par
Don Fearney en 1999.
De remarquables défilés de sosies de star assuraient l'animation ( Lady Gaga, un Johnny Depp plus vrai que nature).
Des masseuses passaient de tables en tables pour soulager les trapezes des acteurs et actrices durant les longues session de signatures.
Ma voisine de table était Yvonne Romain, l'autre Yvonne du "Cirque des horreurs".
Nous eûmes l'occasion d'échanger quelques mots et nous remémorer des souvenirs de tournage.
Ce fut un vrai plaisir de retrouver Caroline Munro, une habituée des convention " Our Disappearing Planet".
Un weekend très occupé et chargé en émotion.
C'est toujours une joie de retrouver cette chère Angleterre, un pays qui m'a tant apporté dans ma carrière d'actrice avec les succès des "Maîtresses de Dracula" et "L'empreinte du Dragon rouge".
A l'occasion de ces rencontres, je peux mesurer à quel point ce cinéma continue de toucher de nouvelles générations. Les fans de 10 à 90 ans me disent regarder ces films de nombreuses fois et y trouver autant de plaisir.
"Les maîtresses de Dracula" et "L'empreinte du Dragon rouge" restent pour moi, de grands souvenirs, ils m'apportent toujours des rencontres enrichissantes et des amis à travers le monde.

mardi 17 avril 2012
Muriel, a very special nurse
I did not have an important part in MISSION TO CARACAS.
With the wardrobe lady, I had found some clothing ideas in order to make my scenes more entertaining. In turn a nurse, a scheming lady, a gold digger, a fighter, Muriel had to have outfits as versatile as herself.
With this album, I’m closing the evocation of this Raoul André film.

Children are treasures but Muriel prefers diamonds.

With Janine Reynaud. The passengers see Rod Carter land on the boat, dangling from a helicopter.
Muriel, une puéricultrice très spéciale

dimanche 11 mars 2012
Mission to Caracas (1965) 2/2

The film's cast was European.
Rod Carter, the lead actor, was only American by name. Of Swiss origin, Roland Carey adopted that pseudonym for his action movies. We thus find Rod Carter in thrillers, epic films of (R.Freda’s “The Giants of Thessaly” ).
There were also current celebrities, such as champion swimmer Alain Gottvallès, Louise Carletti, Raoul André’s wife, was a very popular circus star.
The actor Michel Lemoine, a friend with whom I will work again, along with his wife Jeanine Raynaud. Josy Andrieux, actress and singer of light opera (Pascal Sevran, in his popular French TV show “A chance for songs” put her in the limelight again, a few years ago), and the hilarious Christa Lang, pulpy, funny and charming, who would become Mrs. Samuel Fuller. We met again several years later in Paris. Her husband brightened our dinners with a million exciting anecdotes about his filmmaking career.
When I think of actress Jany Clair, the producer’s protégée, an amusing anecdote comes to my mind.
As I told you, we were all very careless and carefree during this shoot cruise, except for her.
- I cannot laugh like you, she said. I have responsibilities with the production.
We laughed louder than ever!
Left to right: Dominique St Pierre, Christa Lang, me and Jeanine Raynaud.
The stunts in the film were choreographed by the popular actor Henri Lambert, who specialized in bad guys parts. He directed the two fight scenes between our group of diamond lovers.
These scenes were both hilarious and trying. We did our best to make this boxing match a realistic one, so much so that actress Dominique St Pierre happened to suffer of a very sore neck. She had to stop filming at once and had to wear a neck brace !
Christa Lang, always at ease, even asked the director if he would mind us continuing our stunts in the nude in order to be more comfortable !
In Le Havre, we boarded the steamer “Les Antilles” to join the Venezuelan capital Caracas. We shot for ten days on board, during which we had to face such severe storms that some of the actors fell ill and had to remain in their cabins.
To fight sea sickness, the captain had advised me to eat apples and drink Fernet-Branca. Apparently a successful cure. I came and went on the boat without worrying about the sea. I remember even visiting the impressive engine room of the ship with its boilers.
We arrived a few days later in Puerto Rico.
I still have festive memories of my first visit to the tropics, the smells were intoxicating, we danced and sang. I still associate the musical atmosphere of West Side Story with this wonderful stay.
A few days later again, we arrived in Venezuela, at La Guaira port.
When our group of actresses, made-up and ready to shoot, crossed the street to get on stage, a crowd of boys began to follow us, expressing their enthusiasm loudly. Some even did not hesitate to show off their manly attributes !
The police quickly intervened and allowed us to take refuge in the closed locker room. Caliente!
We also shot in the hotel Tamanaco, while staying there. The idyllic garden was used for several scenes. One had to look twice before putting even a foot in the pool water. Other more vindictive swimmers were frolicking there : scorpions.
During rest days, we visited Spanish churches in Caracas and had parties in the evening. The film crew was gradually won over by drunkenness and disorientation. To the point that, once back in France, we had to reshoot some scenes deemed unsatisfactory by the production.
We had to reduce overruns at all costs: We filmed certain shots in Nice with only two exotic palm trees in the background and, in the Gennevilliers studios, the director tried his best, with the energy of despair, to conjure up the atmosphere of the docks of Le Havre. It was epic!
MISSION TO CARACAS was soon released in Paris. The film crew attended the premiere. The audience seemed to enjoy this holiday film as much as we had.

Mission spéciale à Caracas (1965) de R. André 2/2